Where are you located?

My greenhouse is located on my home property in Naugatuck, Ct.

Are you open to the public?

Since I run my business at my home, no. I do not currently have my greenhouse open to shop in person.

Do you use organic growing practices?

Yes! While I am not Certified Organic, everything I use to grow my plants are. I use Coast of Maine potting soil and Fox Farms fertilizer. Both are OMRI certified. I am not sponsored by either company.

Are your seeds organic and non-GMO?

As often as possible I use certified organic, open-pollinated, and heirloom seeds. I even harvest seeds from my own plants. Most typically, my seeds are sourced from Johnny’s Selected Seeds, John Sheepers (located here in Connecticut), and Victory Seeds. Victory Seeds in particular has a stated mission of preserving open-pollinated varieties of plants. That means you can harvest and save seeds as well! I am not sponsored by any of the listed seed companies.

ALL seeds I use are non-GMO. As an important note- all seeds available to the public for purchase are non-GMO. GMO seeds are only available for purchase and use by large commercial farmers, which I am not.

Are you willing to deliver plants outside of New Haven County?

Please reach out to me if you want me to deliver to your home! I am willing to consider delivering outside my county on a case-by-case basis if you are not overly far for me to drive.